Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Tender Mercies of the Lord

Many times the Lord's miracles in our lives go unnoticed because they are so small. I call these the tender mercies of the Lord. They are simply seeing the laughter of your child or having a little extra time in the day to  take a breather. Today I learned a very important lesson. This morning my son got into the syrup and it made a big mess, my husband came out and started playing with him while I cleaned the mess up. It was then that I realized how truly blessed I am to have so much joy and love in my life. My toddler started being happy again and him and his dad got to have some bonding time. These simple things really make you stop and think that even though things get kind of hectic, there always is a silver lining. Who knows without the chaos that happened today, maybe my son and husband would not have had that precious time together. There's always a good purpose to everything that happens. I'm just glad we were able to make lemonade out of lemons. That is what life is all about anyhow, right:)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy Blogging Beginnings

In this blog, I'm going to share some of my sweet experiences of being a mom and how it has blessed my life. So let's get to talking about what's important. Number one is my Savior, Jesus Christ. I want to share my love for Him with the whole world. I know that there are many good people in the world who are looking for truth but they know not where to find it. Well I can tell you for myself that this church is the place where you can find all truth and if it doesn't address a question exactly as you are asking, then it will teach you how to find answers through our Maker. I'm so greatful for all the resources there are available to helping us find truth in our lives. I hope to be able to share inspirational stories from my life as well as we embark on this journey together.