Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Joys of Service

I've recently been blessed with the opportunity to serve and be served. I know that my service is small but as the saying goes, "Where'er thou art, act well thou part." So Tuesday, my friend from church calls me up, or visiting teaching companion. A visiting teaching companion is someone that you team up with to make visits to families in your area. We have 3 families and we have been paired up for 2 months now. Anyhow, back to the story. She is involved in helping the young women in our ward find activities to do. She called me and said that they were thinking about helping a mother clean that had young children or in my case a young child. So last night, there were at least 10 young women all cleaning my house. Of course they got it done in like 20 minutes. It was wonderful! Afterwards they had milk shakes. They were all between the ages of 12 and 13 and they were really good. It made me feel appreciated and understood how they were so happy to help and be of service. It was a great experience and I'm glad that I had the opportunity to get to know these girls. What was neat is that at the end, my son was so comfortable with them and they were all holding him and tickling him and he was just sitting there enjoying it. One lesson I learned is there is a need for people to serve just as much as there is a need for people to receive service.
On another interconnected note, I have been learning about natural healing and one of the things that is emotionally healing in your heart is to be able to have heart energies open and balanced to giving and receiving love. That is amazing! I never thought of being open to receiving love as part of having a healthy heart but it makes sense.
As for my opportunity to serve, I have been blessed with wonderful friends who have awesome kids. I watch their kids at times and I get to see Adrian grow to an understanding of how to interact with kids. It is the best thing in the world. So I don't know if this counts as service since it's kind of a play date anyhow but I'm really appreciative of my opportunity to do something in the world:)
I'd also like to make a special note here about my brother who is a great example of a go getter and service. He is going to India. If you want to see about his adventures in India read here: